Upward Bound students

TRIO Upward Bound

Preparing underprivileged or first-generation high school students for college.

TRIO Upward Bound is a FREE college preparatory program funded through the US Department of Education providing fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately their higher education pursuits.

UWRF Section Separator

Program Services

Academic Year (Sept.-May)

  • 1x Monthly Meetings/Workshops
  • Advising/Mentoring/Tutoring
  • Community Service Learning/Volunteerism
  • ACT Preparation
  • College Visits/Cultural and Academic Field Trips
  • Cohort Retreats/Initiatives 
  • Monthly Stipends $

Summer Program (June-July for six weeks)

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Career Exploration/Commuter Experience
  • STEM (IceCube), Math and Science
  • Summer Stipend $
  • Leadership Development 
  • Summer Trip
Upward Bound staff meeting with a student

Summer Program Employment: Application links in position descriptions.

Resident Advisor Positions (full position description) 

The primary responsibility is to supervise and advise high school students during the summer program. The RA's will enhance their own leadership, organizational, problem-solving and communication skills in a safe, educational environment, while enhancing their ability to establish and maintain meaningful student relationships. RA's will lead students in enrichment activities with a social skill-building focus. 

(Yearly spring hire, summer work performance)

Hall Director Position (please e-mail Bee Vang to inquire)

The primary responsibility is to supervise the safety of all residence hall staff and residents during the summer program. The HD will create and maintain a community environment in the residence hall, which contributes to the intellectual, social and cultural development of the students. 

(Yearly spring hire, summer work performance)

Instructors (full position description)

The primary responsibility of an Upward Bound Instructor is to create an integrated, engaging and interactive class that provides students with skills which enable success in high school and beyond. 

(Yearly spring hire, summer work performance)


Inquire about Academic Year Employment by emailing Bee Vang.

Staff Assistant (full position description)

With this position, we provide experiential learning opportunities for students to gain practical experience working with youth in academic and social development. We are seeking part-time staff assistants who directly support UB program staff during the academic year. This position will include learning and developmental opportunities beyond their day-to-day work by implementing curriculums, leading mentorship, and advising current students of the program. This position will start in early fall to late spring with the option for expansion and additional duties into summer; upon agreement. 


Accretion of youth voices through accountability, advocacy and ardent engagement. 
TRIO Upward Bound strives to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education. The program prepares high school students for college through tutoring and academic skill building, social and cultural activities, college and career awareness and personal and academic counseling which are interspersed throughout the academic year and summer program.


Education is a means for many first-generation or low-income individuals to improve their life circumstances.


  • Provide 4 years of programming to prepare participants for college entry and graduation.
  • Provide services to improve academic performance, test preparation and professional development.
  • Provide developmental activities that will enhance participants leadership, critical-thinking skills, communication and citizenship engagement.


By cultivating a network of peers, professionals and community members to leverage support for success, we provide a framework for students to firsthand experience and learn how to do this at the college level prior to arriving on a college campus.

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Lacai login (Participant Profile)

  • Service sign-in/sign-out
  • Complete surveys 
  • Review documents 
  • Upload documents (as instructed by staff)

US Bank Focus Card login (Participant Account)

  • Activate Card/Create User Profile
  • Check account balances 

24/7 Tutoring (Paticipant Account)

  • Connect to a tutor immediately or schedule an appointment 
  • Writing Review 
  • Test Prep (SAT/ACT/AP)
  • Job and Career Resources 

You can earn up to $10 per month for tutoring/volunteer hours, record them here:



Opportunity Engagement Scholar Award ($1,000)

Award senior participants who have demonstrated commitment, dedication and enthusiasm throughout their engagement in the program, this award is to recognize their efforts and support their financial needs when pursuing a college education.

  • Apply during your senior year

We're Looking for Students to Join Us!

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Attend Washington Technology Magnet (9th to 12th grade)
  • First-generation:  no parent, stepparent or guardian, with whom the student lives, has completed a four-year college degree (bachelor's degree)
  • Low income:  the annual income for the family size does not exceed 150% US poverty levels under federal guidelines
  • Academic Need: the student requires academic support to pursue a program of post-secondary education

Successful Applicants:

  • Apply early as 9th or 10th grade student (rolling admission)
  • Commit to attending all program meetings and events
  • Make college education a priority in their life and future goals
  • Participate in community service and internships
  • Help create a positive college-going atmosphere
  • Contribute to the development of their cohort

TRIO Upward Bound Staff:

Headshot of Bee Vang
Bee Vang
Project Director
Mai Tao Yang image
Mai Tao Yang (MT)
Project Coordinator/Advisor
Molly Yang image
Molly Yang
Staff Assistant